2/1a Forest Court
Aroona 4551

Phone: 07-5437-7777

Mobile: 0438-579-950

All Body Corporate Managers are not the same

Bryant’s provide professional service at the lowest total cost of Management in the State.

Is this claim true??? Read on for proof


?????? “How can that promise be true


We supply full profit and loss reports to committe every month for complete transparancy



We call multiple tenders for your insurance every year giving competitive prices


We refund the whole of insurance commission to the body corporate—a major save


We do not charge “computer fees” or “Communication fees”


We have an efficient standard procedure to stop your ‘slow payers’ getting out of control


Everything is transparent

It is not “how much is the fee”, but how much will it cost you for ALL fees & charges

Serving Bodies Corporate from

Brisbane to the Gympie

About Us

40 years experience

Peter Bryant has 40 years strata experience, Is a former Strata TAFE teacher of Strata, Former Mayor of a large metropolitan city, Founding Chairman of a local government consortium arranging public liability insurance. A licensed Strata Manager and has completed a residential course in the USA on large scale Condaminium (Home unit) management…and holds an “Order of Australia” for service to the public.

Elaine Bryant is a former Mayoress and widely experience in Body Corporate management

Free Monthly reports & clearest paperwork

We provide your committee by email each  month with a full set of ‘year-to-date’ balance sheet and Income and expenditure.

Our management agreement is a simple 2 page document that does
not need a lawyer to interpret. Our meeting
papers and Minutes are simple and make it easy for you to cast your vote.

Who else gives you
a guarantee of service

Our guarantee reads

“we will provide our client owners corporation with the highest standard of professional advice, administration and integrity, with due diligence in the protection of their-asset” …

Our whole philosophy is one of service as “service” is the only commodity that we have to sell. The guarantee is printed on every letterhead and every notice and it is there to measure your performance every day.

Who else will give you a written guarantee of service ???

Does your present Body Corporate Manager?


Frequently Asked Questions


How experienced are we?

We have experience in schemes as small as duplexes and as large as one building with 792 units.

We also manage many factory strata plans, commercial offices and retirement villages, one of which has 240 lots.


Who would be our Body Corporate Manager?

It would be personally managed by Peter Bryant.



Where will the body corporate meeting be held?

We can hold the meetings at your building for better attendance — and we can hold them after hours or weekends.



Do we also manage Factory Bodies Corporate or others types?

Yes with large cost savings.


Retirement Village of 220 Residential Lots

To Whom It May Concern,

Reference for Peter & Elaine Bryant
T/A Bryant Strata Management

We are a Strata Title Freehold Retirement Village with 220 lots,
under strata management of Bryant Strata Management.
Peter Bryant is a dedicated servant of this Owners Corporation
and has given much time and effort in managing this large
His abilities and strengths lie in his hands-on attitude to helping us
run the village and its finances.
He has enabled us to pull back the outstanding levies situation by
instigating and putting in place a sensible, workable plan,
which is fair to all concerned.
The duties covered by him are always carried out promptly and
efficiently, with frequent consultation and referral to the
Executive Committee. This is very much appreciated by us
It would be true to say that without Mr Bryant’s input, knowledge
and professional expertise, the Executive Committee would
find it very difficult to keep pace with the changing aspect of
strata title laws.
We highly recommend Bryant Strata Management to any
community wishing to employ a strata manager. We are very
fortunate to have a notably conscientious team helping us in
the management of this village.

Margaret WiIlkinson – Chairman,
Davina Maclachlan – Secretary,
Graeme Gough – Treasurer

Town House Complex of 18 Units

To whom it May concern,

I am pleased to supply this reference concerning Peter Bryant and his
company ‘Bryant Body Corporate Management’.
We are a strata titled scheme of 18 town houses which includes resident
owners and leased units.
Peter became our manager about 3 or 4 years ago following the
retirement of our previous body corporate manager.
We were surprised to note that his management fee was more than 20%
less than our previous manager.
There has also been substantial savings in insurance costs which Peter
puts to competitive tender each year, gaining 5 tenders which
thoroughly tests the market and in addition, he rebates the insurance
commission in full, back to the body corporate.
In addition, he negotiated a water supply invoice following a major
concealed leak which resulted in a rebate of several thousand dollars.
As chairman, I have enjoyed 24/7 access to Peter including weekends
and even on one occasion when he was on holidays (on a cruise ship
heading out of the heads).
He attends all of our committee meetings and general meetings without
He displays financial transparency by emailing each month to all
committee members a ‘Year to Date’ balance sheet plus a detailed
income and expenditure report.
I would commend his services to any body corporate seeking a
personalised, competent and transparent service.

Paul Smith,
Chairman Parkside Gardens Body Corporate


An older property with challenges

To Whom It May Concern,

This will serve to introduce Bryant Body Corporate Management which has been the managing agent for the Warringa Court Community Titles Scheme (CTS) for more than two years. Peter Bryant is a professional in his field, always going above and beyond in any situation to ensure the best outcome for our owners, residents and property alike. Being an older property, the management of our Body Corporate has not been without challenges however with Peter’s extensive experience and knowledge of the industry, information is always qualified and substantiated with actions and outcomes delivered in a clear and timely manner.

Peter is a great communicator who regularly updates the committee with relevant information on legislation, revision of quotes and well detailed budgetary commentary. I would not hesitate to recommend Bryant Body Corporate Management for Body Corporate and Strata Management services and I can be contacted at the details above should you require further information.

Yours Sincerely,

Darce Foley

Chairman – Warringa Court CTS

A general reference

I have been an employee of Aveo Group since 2008. From 2008 –2013 my role was Village Manager of Aveo Mountain View Retirement Village, which is a large strata titled property in northern NSW. During 2008 BSM were engaged as consultants by the owners corporation to assist with some very complex matters. In 2009 BSM were appointed as the managing agent of the owners corporation, which was a testament to their efficient and effective work as consultants. BSM continued to manage the scheme for many years and a strong rapport developed with the large strata community. BSM provided knowledge, progress and collective thought to the scheme, and broadly imparted an impacting understanding & implementation of the NSW SSMA. As Village Manager, I worked very closely with BSM, in particular with Peter Bryant. I found Peter to be highly efficient in his communication and very approachable. Peter educated me about the Act and his experience and guidance was invaluable. I fondly reflect on my time working with BSM. I write this reference as an experienced Manager who would recommend BSM to any strata scheme.


Suzy Cornelius



Managing Body Corporate properties from Brisbane to Gympie


Ph 07-5437-7777
Mob: 0438-579-950

Address: 2/1a Forest Court Aroona 4551